Thursday, 4 August 2011

Garden Update

My Camellias didn't do well at all. In fact they died right away, despite having the right ericaceous (acid) soil etc. Oh well, Have to try again.

Mike came round the other day, and we had a mad gardening afternoon and evening.
We got the Russian Vine planted out back, (where my Niobe Clematis used to be, but didnt survive)

and planted no less than Seven roses out the front, all in peat pockets we had to dig in the harsh builders sand and debris that is masquerading as my front garden.
Ive had to drop Daisy's Sunflowers in the middle of them at the moment, as there isn't any other place for them to live.

My Black Bamboo had seemed to die off, but there was new shoots coming through after the harsh winter, so we cut it back, and will re pot it soon in decent soil.

The Aquilegia in the Black cube didn't work either, so now I have x2 Hosta in there, and they seem to like it enough to flower, so maybe that's that one sorted now.

Over all, the left hand side of the front, which has been planted with desert plants (and a pot of lillies), had done really well. Howerver, our Sweetpeas in baskets havent done well, despite a lot of care.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Tank Update

I removed a single plant from the front of my tank last night, and cleaned the glass, and the change is incredible. Taking out a single plant has made the tank look totally different and feel far deeper and more 3 dimensional. Just one plant made a massive impact. Make me wonder what other things can be changed irrevocably by such a tiny change.

Friday, 8 April 2011


Mike bought me and Hannah a couple of rescued camellias. We've potted them up for the balcony. They are in very good condition, and should do well.
Ive pet them either side of the rescued climbing rose I got last year back that's climbing up my bird feeder.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Spring planting

Planted up my Black Cube with 4 different Aquilegia this weekend. Got 4 contrasting colors, black, blue, red, and mixed. They are hardy perennials that don’t mind total shade, so we'll see how they do.

Also planted up Hannah's Belfast sink (the one from my parents old house) with a lupin, miniature daffodils, anemone, snowdrops, and bluebells. They are all (supposedly) hardy perennials (our favs, as less work then annuals), and tolerant of deep shade. Again, we'll see, but they should look great when they flower :-)

Also planted a White Periwinkle in the basket out back that’s on the bracket my brother made. The fuchsias we had in it died off (lack of light I think), but the other two Periwinkles are doing very well, so a white one next to them should look nice and do well.

My Clematis President is doing well too. Covered in buds.

Monday, 14 February 2011


Here's a piccy of x3 of my shrimps.
Green, Crystal Red and an Amano.

Here's the Crystal Red close up.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Tank Plants over time

Heres a Before and After piccy of my tank now that the plants have grown.
I think its about 12 to 14 months growth.

Friday, 21 January 2011


After a rather crappy morning (understatement), I was somewhat uplifted when I spotted this fella on a tree through the wood out of my kitchen window (AND I was lucky enough to get my camera in time!). Ive spent YEARS trying to see one of these, and suddenly at a real low point in life, one pops up when I least expect it.
That's life I guess.

Greater Spotted woodpecker.

We must have been on a roll, because on this same day, we also saw a Mistle Thrush, almost hit a Golden Pheasant in the Car, and walked into a fox that trotted down into its den under a fallen tree in broad daylight, and then, whilst driving home after going for a walk, we had a huge Buzzard sit on a tree right next to us in a country lane. Not bad at all!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Sign of the times.

Are things getting this bad ?

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Tank Update

Having that awesome Betta was cool. What wasn't cool was his predilection for eating my shrimp.
He's now gone back to the shop, and Ive replaced some of the little fellas.

I now have...
x2 Amano Algae Eaters
x2 Red Cherry
x2 Black Bee
x1 Crystal Red
(possibly x2 Clear Tigers, but I haven't seem them since the Betta incident.)

x2 Glowlight Tetras
x2 Black Tetras
x2 SilverTip Tetras

On another note, Ive also taken out the twin lamp from my tank (Aquastart 320) which was red and white (for color and plants) and put in a twin White lamp (just for maximum plant growth).
It means the colors on the fish aren't so good, but the greens of the plants against the black substrate and background are vivid, and the plants should do better.

Ive also fitted a small cheap (from china) little strip of blue LEDs, to see if I can produce a little moonlight effect in the late evenings when the main lamp goes off.

Here's the fitting photos.
You can see the main tank and the little unobtrusive bolts on top.

Here's the bolts from the top. I tried to make them as flush as possible.

The inside. You can see the LED strip, and the cable I routed down the side and clipped in. I had to use a little grinder to cut out some plastic on the left side to make the cable run out the way, but it seems to have worked out ok :-)
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